Hey, I’m Tony, and I’m a stand-up comic.

I wasn’t always one—I’ve been a teacher, a symphony musician, even a marching band show designer. But eventually, I found what I was meant to do: tell jokes.

Being a comedian is an odd career choice, but one that has given me endless joy and opportunities. I was able to tell jokes on Conan O’Brien’s show,

and Craig Ferguson’s show…

and every December, I go on tour with Chevy Chase.

Despite all of these incredible experiences, the thing I still love the most, is telling jokes and making people laugh. And hopefully, I can make you laugh at some point. I tour constantly, and would love to be able to let you know when I’m performing near you. If you sign up for my list below, I’ll let you know when I’m heading your way. I'll also send you a link where you can watch my first stand-up special. Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope to see you someday soon.